Corporate Payroll Services

The Basics of a 401(k) Retirement Plan

The Basics of a 401(k) Retirement Plan

A retirement plan shows that you are invested in the futures of your employees and gives employees the opportunity to plan ahead and care for their financial futures.  The 401(k) is a type of retirement account, aptly named after its section description in the IRS tax...
How to Welcome Your New Employee

How to Welcome Your New Employee

Congratulations!  The hard part is over—you’ve finally hired someone.  You now have to welcome your new employee.  That means you need to give the person the tools to be the best employee he or she can be.  That process starts on Day One. Before Day One Begins There...

Steps in the Interview Process for a New Employee

How to Recruit that New Team Member You’ve gone through a needs assessment, determined that you require a new employee and you’ve posted the position on job boards.  The applications are starting to roll in.  What should you do before you start scheduling applicants...
Tattoos, Piercings, and Man Buns, Oh My!

Tattoos, Piercings, and Man Buns, Oh My!

Finding the Dress Code that’s Right for Your Organization What kind of dress code should you have? The answer to that question may come down to the kind of company culture you have or want to have. There’s no universally-applicable dress code for successful...