Aug 7, 2018 | Human Resources, Recruiting
…and Attract the Best Candidates We’ve reviewed the basic elements of a job description, what it is and why you need one. When you’re looking to add key members to your team, you may be tempted to use that job description as a job post on your website and job...
A Guide to Drug Testing and a Drug Free Workplace
Aug 2, 2018 | Human Resources, Industry News
What you should consider in the era of “legal” marijuana With medical and recreational marijuana use becoming legal in more states nationwide, you may be wondering what kind of drug-testing policy your business should have. The answer to that question...
Paycheck Checkup Flyer Helps Prevent Surprise at Tax Time
Jul 16, 2018 | Industry News, Regulatory Updates
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a one-page “Paycheck Checkup” flyer earlier this month. Its purpose is to encourage employers to remind employees that they should review their federal income tax withholding allowances. Doing so may help prevent a...
What are the key elements of a job description?
Jul 12, 2018 | Human Resources, Recruiting
A job description defines the duties and responsibilities of a position, identifying the actual work accomplished or to be accomplished by the person in the job. It’s a useful tool that serves several purposes. It helps the employer efficiently divide up the tasks...
When business is good, a staffing plan helps manage growth.
Jul 10, 2018 | Human Resources, Industry News
Your two-person office-cleaning business has grown into a full-service janitorial services company. With careful planning, adherence to a strict budget and some tough decisions, you managed to survive, and even thrive, during the “great recession.” Now you’ve got an...