Corporate Payroll Services

EEO-1 Reporting Requirements Finalized

EEO-1 Reporting Requirements Finalized

The hotly contested issue of what exactly needs to be filed for EEO-1 component 2 reporting this year has been resolved—at least for now.  Pay data for both 2017 and 2018 must be reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) by September 30, 2019....
Memorial Day Bank Holiday Notice

Memorial Day Bank Holiday Notice

Plan Ahead for Memorial Day Bank Holiday Payroll   Banks will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2019, in observance of Memorial Day. If you are a direct deposit customer or CPS Checks customer, please submit payroll at least one business day early to ensure proper...
How to Make Meetings with Remote Employees Effective

How to Make Meetings with Remote Employees Effective

Even with video conferencing and messaging apps, fully involving remote employees in team and company meetings remains a challenge.  There may be no replacing the experience of being physically in the room, but you can take steps to make these meetings more productive...