Corporate Payroll Services

OSHA 300A Recordkeeping Form Reminder

OSHA 300A Recordkeeping Form Reminder

OSHA 300A Forms Must Be Posted Beginning February 1, 2019   The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandates that all employers who are required to maintain the OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses post a summary of the previous...
Risk Reduction Through Progressive Discipline

Risk Reduction Through Progressive Discipline

What is Progressive Discipline? Behavioral problems and poor performance can be detrimental to the bottom line; many employers want to terminate problematic employees as soon as possible.  Small businesses may not feel that they have the time or money to work on...
Employer Interview Questions

Employer Interview Questions

Staying Out of Danger Zones What interview questions should you avoid?  You will ask safe questions by keeping them related to the position you are attempting to fill.  Ask the candidate about their knowledge, skill set, and experience.  You do not want to inquire...