Jun 13, 2018 | Human Resources, Industry News
We’ve all seen it—one of our employees has a bad cold, maybe even the flu, but they come to work anyway. In some cases, the employee has the option of taking time off, and you’d prefer they do so, but still they show up, putting everyone in the workplace at risk. The...
Jun 7, 2018 | Industry News
Earlier we covered the basics of unemployment insurance at the federal and state level. Here, we will discuss what causes a claim for unemployment benefits to be denied or approved. Then we will take a look at what processes employers can put in place to...
May 31, 2018 | Benefits, Human Resources, Industry News, Regulatory Updates
One of your employees, Sydney, is having a baby and plans to take medical leave to recover and bond with her newborn under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). You’ve determined that she qualifies for protected FMLA. It will be considered continuous leave, as she...
How to Avoid Wrongful Termination Claims When You Let an Employee Go
May 29, 2018 | Human Resources, Industry News
There are many reasons for terminating employees. There can be well-documented performance rationale. Your company may be downsizing due to a market contraction. In an acquisition or merger, you may need to eliminate duplicate roles. Whatever the reason,...
Do Your Own Contractor Classification Audit Before the IRS Does it For You
May 25, 2018 | Industry News, Regulatory Updates
Businesses that erroneously (and sometimes intentionally) classify workers as independent contractors run the risk of incurring significant penalties if they are audited or reported by disgruntled “contractor-would-be-employees.” In addition to underpaying their...
What you need to know about 1099 contractors
May 23, 2018 | Industry News
In the era of the “gig economy,” where businesses hire freelancers and independent contractors (ICs) for short-term engagements, business owners may run into questions about whether workers are truly ICs, or really just part-time or even full-time employees. ...