Corporate Payroll Services

4 Smart Reasons to Integrate Your 401(k) NOW

Employees are 15 times more likely to save if they have access to a payroll-deducted savings plan at work.* Using CoPilot 401(k) from PAi can help your employees save for retirement, and because it’s integrated with Corporate Payroll, there is less work for you....

Reduce Turnover – It’s Worth It

Losing your best employee is like a punch in the gut for a small business owner.  But with fierce competition for the best people, how can you compete?  Lost productivity and time spent landing a replacement are painful, but the overall cost of losing a good employee...

When is a $10,000 Check Bad News?

Imagine peering into your mailbox and finding a check made out to you for $10,000.  Are you: 1) Happy or 2) Not happy  Most would say “happy.”  It’s $10,000.  How could you not be happy? For starters, some hope for a bigger check, perhaps from some sort of sweepstakes...