Corporate Payroll Services

Did you know…

For $10.75 per month, per employee (which can be paid by you, the employer, or deducted from your employee’s paycheck), your employees and their families* can receive peace of mind with Telehealth!

Is your employee sick during the holidays and unable to see their primary physician?
No problem.

Is your employee experiencing allergies, asthma, or common cold symptoms and wants medical care but does not want to take time off from work?
No problem!

Does an employee’s child need a last-minute consultation for a non-emergency medical issue?
Once again…no problem!

All of this can be done through RelyMD, a telehealth benefit offered by Corporate Payroll Services.

On average, when using RelyMD, patients can receive medical care within an hour.**   This gives them the ability to get a consultation, receive a diagnosis, and receive a treatment plan in a matter of minutes and allows them to get back to their important schedules quickly.

This is not your traditional “House Call.”  With telemedicine, you and your employees can speak with a doctor via video call or voice call anytime!

Literally… anytime.

With RelyMD,  through Corporate Payroll Services, you can call at 3 AM on Thanksgiving Day  if need be!


Employer Benefits

Employers using this benefit state this helps with…

Improved Employee satisfaction in their overall benefits package***
Decrease in employee absenteeism leading to an increase in productivity


Employee Benefits

24/7/365 access to US Board Certified physicians.
Convenient access to care via phone or video.
Significantly lower costs than traditional ER or Urgent Care visits, with no copay for consultation.
Avoidance of long waiting room visits with exposure to other sick people.
Consultation with a physician at home, work, or even on vacation.
Prescriptions are called in to a local pharmacy, based on the diagnosis.
Save on PTO/ Sick time which would normally deplete with medical visits.


Would you like to learn more? Here are some helpful FAQ’s.  Or, fill out the form below if you would like a representative to reach out to you.

*Spouse and dependents (ages 6 mos. – 26 years) can be added to your employee’s health portal account.

** Time varies based on demand and doctor availability.  The current average call back time is 30 minutes or less.  Although, very rarely, depending on time/location, patients can wait up to 3 hours. A typical medical consultation with RelyMD lasts 3-5 minutes.

*** Telehealth is not intended to be a replacement for health insurance.  Employers should use caution when offering telemedicine to their employees if group medical insurance is not offered.  Due to the broad definition of health care under the Affordable Care Act, telemedicine may be considered a non-compliant group health plan.  Employers who choose to pay or reimburse their employees for a telemedicine program when there is no group medical coverage offered, could face large fines. Please consult your attorney/advisor if you wish to add telemedicine as an employer-paid benefit with or without an existing group medical plan.