Dec 18, 2019 | HR Regulations, Human Resources, Industry News
New York State recently passed legislation that significantly expanded its definition of unlawful harassment. Employers, here is what you need to know. What employers are covered that weren’t before? As of February 8, 2020, all sizes of employers are covered by all...
Dec 5, 2019 | HR Regulations, Human Resources, Industry News
Serving alcohol at company parties can be a liability, however, steps can be taken to protect your organization and employees. Employers may be liable for employee misconduct and negligence when the employee is acting “in the course and scope of employment,” so make...
Oct 2, 2018 | Human Resources, Recruiting
The recruiting and hiring process is supposed to select the best candidates while deterring unqualified job seekers from applying or advancing. All too often, however, the process creates obstacles or disadvantages for qualified candidates due to their membership in...